Manifest Boston Stories

Session Roundup: Technology

Written by Zoe Dobuler | Jul 18, 2019 5:44:32 PM

With ticket sales open for HubWeek 2019, we're throwing it back to past festivals, rounding up some of our favorite sessions from 2017 and 2018. 

This collection of videos features engaging conversations with the technologists, engineers, robotics experts, activists, and others who are at the forefront of the innovations shaping our technological future. Dive in to learn more about some of the biggest tech topics and questions in the news today: What role will robots play in our society? Will they take our jobs, or open up new avenues for creativity? How is artificial intelligence already shaping culture, and how can we leverage it to create a more equitable, healthy world? How can we harness data for good?

Living at Home with Robots

Despite the proliferation of connected and "smart" devices, we're still far from the promise of a seamlessly connected home: Smart homes just aren't smart. In order for homes to go from connected to "thoughtful," smart home devices must be aware of their location and act as part of a larger system to serve our needs. Following a big national announcement, Colin Angle, Chairman, CEO, and Founder of iRobot and Michele Turner, Senior Director, Google Smart Home Ecosystem, joined WBUR's Zeninjor Enwemeka to discuss the latest advancements in home robotics and smart home technologies that will enable a more "thoughtful" home.


Science, Technology, and the Future of America

As technology threatens to disrupt everything, what does it mean for America’s future? What are the opportunities for and risks to our economy, our communities, our security, our values, and our standing in the world? Former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and MIT Vice President for Research Maria Zuber joined Broad Institute President and Founding Director Eric S. Lander to explore these issues and more.


The Second Machine Age

A revolution is underway. In recent years, self-driving cars have hit the roads here in Boston and robots have started caring for the elderly. Soon, digital technologies will diagnose diseases more accurately than doctors, apply enormous data sets to transform urban environments into “smart cities,” and accomplish many other tasks once considered uniquely human. At HubWeek 2017, MIT’s Andrew McAfee presented the challenges that the “Second Machine Age” will bring, and made the case for why we should be optimistic about the future. Moderated by WBUR's Asma Khalid.


View of the Future: The Reality of Industrial Robots

How can we make the human/robot working relationship more complementary so that we avoid unnecessary automation that costs jobs in industries where robotics aren't required for success? Featuring Veo Robotics' Co-founder and VP of Engineering Clara Vu and President and CEO Patrick Sobalvarro. 


Chief Human & Machine Officer

We’ve become fast friends with Siri and Alexa, yet the pervasiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives, hospitals, companies, and governments has only just begun. In our relentless pursuit to solve complex problems with AI, many jobs may become obsolete. The flip side: New job categories will emerge. Where should we apply pressure on the tech industry to get the outcomes we desire so that AI creates more jobs than it costs? Who needs to be good at what, and what does it actually mean to be “uniquely human?”


The Factory of the Future

The factory of the future is here, and it’s digitized. From metal 3D printing to human-assistive robots, the factory of the future is shaping the next generation of disruptive technology and manufacturing. At HubWeek 2017, Ric Fulop, CEO of Desktop Metal, explored the latest technologies, devices, and techniques that will push the boundaries of what’s possible and revitalize the American manufacturing industry. Moderated by Jeff Engel of Xconomy.


Your City Could be Smarter Than You

Imagine a future where the technology in your city can help you repair a pothole, improve the air you breathe, and even predict fires. The frontier of urban design blends modern breakthroughs in the internet of things (IoT), data analytics, and digital services with age-old lessons of walkable neighborhoods, easily accessible amenities, and vibrant connected communities. How are innovators, citizens, and planners co-evolving the smart city landscape to be not only economically viable, but to also make us safer, healthier and happier? 


Genomics, Board Games, and Artificial Intelligence

In the midst of this genomic revolution, Mirza Cifric, Co-founder and CEO of Veritas Genetics, illustrates the sheer size of the genomic data we are dealing with and why artificial intelligence is the only way to make sense of it all.